Flight Academy

2025 AFJROTC Private Pilot Scholarship Program (AFJROTC Flight Academy)

  • Must be 17 years of age by 15 July 2025

  • Sophomore, Junior, or Senior AFJROTC cadets
    (active or reserve status)

  • Fitness score of 75 or above

Developing Citizens of Character

  • Who can apply?

    Cadets currently enrolled in Air Force Junior ROTC programs in their high schools, who have a minimum 3.0 GPA (on a 4.0 scale) may apply. Cadets must be in good standing in their unit, take an Air Force aviation aptitude test, provide instructor and school endorsements and must have a strong interest in aviation and a “never-quit” attitude. How does this help curb the pilot shortage and increase diversity amongst the career filed?

    AFJROTC currently has a 58% and 40% minority and female demographic, respectively. The scholarship program aims to grow to 2,000 cadets annually. Based on sheer numbers in the AFJROTC program, the scholarship has the potential to produce 1,160 new minority pilots each year with 800 potential female pilots. With just over 400 female pilots (FAA as of 31 Dec 2016) between the ages of 16-19, AFJROTC could double the current demographics every year.

    Which universities are participating in the program? Is this a special summer camp?

    Partnering universities all offer Aviation Accreditation Board International (AABI)-accredited (or AABI-member), FAA Part 141 flight programs and will be located throughout the United States territories. AFJROTC provides the scholarship to attend a university program. This is NOT a summer camp. The program is managed by each university and holds the same standard as its current university students. Cadets live, study, and perform at or above the standards. Each cadet will be provided a transcript (upon request) from the university they attended.

    What benefit does this scholarship provide to universities already operating at maximum throughput?

    One sixth of all licensed pilots hold a Certified Flight Instructor (CFI) rating. Each partnering university has the potential to influence two to six future CFIs for their respective university’s flight program. Currently, the average tenure of a professional pilot student working as a CFI is approximately one year. Through this scholarship, a Flight Academy selectee could provide two to three years’ service as a CFI before leaving college.

    What measures do universities have to put in place to protect and supervise minors?

    All partnering universities regularly host weeks-long, summer programs for high school students and minors. Each program’s rules and guidelines vary, however, measures are taken by the university to ensure safety and accountability of participating cadets at all times, to include supervised time spent in classroom, flight instruction, travel and transportation, and chaperoned down-time in cadet housing and on campus.

    Are there additional costs for the cadets associated with this program?

    The Air Force Junior ROTC Flight Academy scholarship will cover the total cost of room, board, tuition, books, and fees for this program. HQ Air Force Junior ROTC will fund transportation from the cadet’s unit to the nearest airport. Once arrived, transportation will be provided from university to/from the airport. The only additional cost to cadets will be for incidentals the cadet might want.

    Can Non – US citizens apply?

    Yes. If selected for a scholarship, Non – US citizen cadets will have to apply for and pass a Transportation Security Administration (TSA) check in order to continue in the process.


Congratulations to Cadet Captain Arulpragasam on being selected for the prestigious 2025 Flight Academy!

Aviation Qualifying Test (AQT)

The Aviation Qualifying Test evaluates aptitudes for the AFJROTC Flight Academy Program through five subtests: four from the Air Force Officer Qualifying Test (AFOQT) and one ACT/SAT math subtest. These scores are combined into a composite score, which accounts for 45% of your overall board score. Along with endorsements, aviation experience, physical fitness, and life experiences, this score is a key factor in applicant selection. Excelling on this test is crucial to your success.