Wheeler - Walton AFJROTC Demonstration Teams Program
Cadets who enjoy drill, "polish" their drill skills learned in the leadership laboratory and form a drill team that performs in local and area wide drill competitions and demonstrations. Participation requires an extra commitment from cadets since they will spend many hours learning the manual of arms, perfecting close-order teamwork, practicing standardized movements, developing "free-style" movements, and taking care of their uniform.
Color Guard
The Color Guard team plays a pivotal role in honoring tradition and paying respect to those serving, both past and present, in the Armed Forces. The Color Guard is charged with rendering military honors and adding dignity to any military-related activity, parade, or civic event by showing respect to our nation and to those who have served.
The Color Guard also serves as the Honor Guard, a group of highly motivated individuals that maintain exceptionally high standards of appearance and conduct and show aptitude for ceremonial duty. The definition of Honor Guard stands as: “a ceremonial unit, usually military in nature and composed of volunteers who are carefully screened for their physical ability and dexterity.” Cadets who are selected to be on Honor Guard will patrol and stand guard.
2024 - 2025 Team Leaders
Commanders & Vice Commanders
Color Guard
C/2nd Lt. Matias
Sabre Team
C/Maj. Munoz
Vice Commander: C/TSgt McIntyre Vice Commander: C/SSgt Zupo J.
Season. The Color Guard and Sabre Team seasons is a full academic year activity; thus, it begins in August and ends in May.
Event Schedule. The 2024 - 2025 season schedule is constantly under development as opportunities to perform arise. Please find us honoring seniors during their last games of the season and presenting the colors before each home football game, select home basketball and baseball games, and more.
Sabre Team
The AFJROTC Unit GA-052 Saber Team is an armed exhibition and regulation saber team. They perform routines of marching and saber movements to exhibit the precision and excellence of the United States Air Force. Saber team spends many hours every week practicing routines to perfection. Members of the saber team are dedicated, hardworking, and determined to excel across the cadet corps and the community.
Members of the Saber team are signified by the shoulder cord they wear.