Course Overview

The AFJROTC program aims to educate and train high school cadets in citizenship, foster community service, instill responsibility, character, and self-discipline, and provide foundational knowledge in air and space concepts. This blended course includes students from grades 9–12 and follows the Headquarters JROTC Cadet Guide, comprising three components throughout the year:

  1. Aerospace Science (40%)

  2. Leadership Education (40%)

  3. Wellness/Physical Fitness (20%)

Instruction is divided by topic, with a rotating curriculum ensuring cadets receive new material each year over a 4-year cycle.

AFJROTC is a major leadership laboratory. Depending on the course level (AS 100–400), students learn about customs and courtesies, communication skills, study habits, time management, life skills, wellness and fitness, leadership and management, financial management, and careers. Leadership skills are developed through study and practice of discipline, respect, responsibility, and teamwork. Cadets learn concepts of orderliness and precision through drill and ceremonies. They become better informed citizens by understanding the role of the military in American society and gain a deeper understanding and value of public service to our great nation.



The curriculum is divided into three components — Aerospace Science, Leadership Education, and Health and Wellness. 

    Aerospace Science studies include Aviation History, Science of Flight, Global and Cultural Studies, Survival, Exploration of Space, and Management of the Cadet Corps.

    Leadership Education includes studies of Air Force Tradition, Wellness, and Foundations of Citizenship, Communication, Awareness, and Leadership, Life Skills and Career Opportunities, and Principles of Management.

    The objective of the Health and Wellness Program is to motivate cadets to lead healthy, active lifestyles beyond program requirements and into their adult lives. Physical fitness is designed to get cadets up and moving. The program allows cadets to push their personal limits, compete, and earn awards.


  • Cadets will be issued an Air Force uniform free of charge within the first 70 days of joining JROTC. If a cadet does not have the appropriate size in inventory, uniforms will be ordered in October with an expected late November or early December delivery. 

  • Uniform wear is a mandatory requirement for the program. Every cadet in the program, except for first-year cadets that choose to “opt-out” of uniform and grooming, wears the uniform once a month, beginning with October and continuing with November, December, January, February, March, and April. Cadets are expected to WEAR THE ASSIGNED UNIFORM CORRECTLY AND PROUDLY ALL DAY.

  • First year cadets may take up to the entire first year to “opt-in” to wearing the uniform as they decide if AFJROTC is a fit for their goals while in high school.

Enrollment and Disenrollment

Enrollment Eligibility.  AFJROTC is a unique program that was established by Public Law 88-647 and is a contract between the State of Georgia, the Cobb County School District, and the United States Air Force.  USAF regulations require all cadets to meet and maintain acceptable standards of academic achievement and personal appearance as determined by the United States Air Force.

Eligibility for enrollment, membership and continuance in the AFJROTC program, each cadet must be:

  • A U.S. citizen or legal alien.

  • In the ninth grade or higher, enrolled and attending regular courses at Wheeler / Walton High Schools.

  • Physically fit and of good moral character.  A cadet is considered physically fit if he or she has completed and returned the AFJROTC Health Assessment Worksheet/Parental Consent Form, DD Form 3200 and is actively participating in the PT program.

Cadets must successfully have passed the previous level of AFJROTC with a 70 or better to continue in the program.  If a cadet fails AFJROTC two semesters, that cadet may not re-enroll unless the Senior Aerospace Science Instructor (SASI) and a high school administrator approve continued participation in the corps.  The SASI will establish enrollment standards with approval by the principal for AFJROTC courses and classes including student enrollment limits and quality standards.

Reserve Cadet.  Although uncommon, it is possible for a student to be in reserve status in JROTC.  According to paragraph 7.5.4 of AFJROTCI 36-2010, a reserve cadet is basically a cadet who cannot enroll in the class but is still in the program for the sole purpose of participating in co-curricular activities.  There are criteria that has to be met for this to occur, but the SASI will take every precaution possible before granting a Wheeler / Walton student from becoming a reserve cadet for the intention of participating in the program's extra-curricular activities (LDRs).

Disenrollment.  Upon recommendation by the SASI and the approved high school principal or designated representative, students can be disenrolled from the AFJROTC program either during or at the end of the current semester for the following reasons:

  • Parental request.

  • Failure to complete the cadet contract.

  • Failure to maintain acceptable standards.

  • Failure to wear the uniform two times during the academic year.

  • Inaptitude or indifference to AFJROTC training.

  • Failure to maintain personal appearance and uniform standards.

  • Disciplinary infractions.

  • Failure to abide by Wheeler High School student rules of behavior.

  • Failure to comply with classroom rules and procedures or for frequently disrupting the class.

  • Undesirable character traits.

  • Failure to remain enrolled in school.

  • ​Blatant disregard for the Cadet Code of Conduct, Honor Code, and the Code of Ethics.

Failure to meet or maintain expectations: As a member of the JROTC program, every cadet becomes an individual representative of Wheeler / Walton High Schools, the United States Air Force, and the corps of cadets. As a result, professional, courteous, and respectful behavior is expected from all cadets at all times. While failure to meet these expectations will be managed on a case-by-case basis, the more experienced the cadet is, the more severe the potential consequences will be. The SASI will make every reasonable effort to warn the cadet and parent or guardian if it is believed the cadet's behavior is taking a turn for the worse. 

In most cases, the first infraction will lead to a counseling session between the SASI and the cadet.  For the second infraction, an email and/or call home from the SASI will be utilized.  Finally, by the third infraction, the SASI will work with the counseling office to find a class more suitable for the student.