Who makes up our staff
Our Staff is made up of cadets ranging from Airman to the high rank of Colonel. They are strong and dependable members of our Cadet Corps and many of them are also in our award winning Drill Team and Color Guard. Everything you need to learn for your staff job is taught to you with on-the-job training, so we welcome all who can accept the challenge. It is a tough but very rewarding course to do.
What we do
Our staff has the job of running the Corps as a cadet run group. This means from Freshman to Seniors they lead and make the decisions for the group. Our instructors simply teach us what we need to know and help us up when we fall but after that it is our staff that run everything, this even includes the class the cadets are in.
What guides us
AFJROTC Operational Supplement found here:
To lead a robust Corps, the ops supplement reminds us we must 1) Set goals; 2) Create programs to achieve those goals 3) Plan, execute and report progress made toward those goals, and finally, 4) Oversee the functional aspects of our day-to-day unit operations.
Meet the team
Corps Commander
C/Colonel Dos Santos
Overall management and execution of all corps activities.
The appearance, discipline, efficiency, training, and conduct of the corps
Commanding the groups during inspections, parades, and pass-in-reviews.
Establishes, tracks and executes Corps goals.
Deputy Corps Commander
C/Lt. Colonel Munoz
Commands in the absence of the group commander
Executes corps commander guidance and supervises staff personnel
Operations Squadron Commander
C/Maj Washington
All tasks assigned by the Cadet Corps/CC
Responsible for the planning, organization, and execution of all squadron activities such as formations, parades, honor guards, etc
Conducting flight leadership meetings as required
Monitoring the flight’s training activities when approved by the SASI/ASI and other instructors
Manages records and files of all activities after completion
Mission Support Squadron Commander
Entrusted with the supervision of personnel, information management, public affairs (GA-052 website), logistical duties, recruiting, as well as controlling all other Mission Support activities
Assisting the SASI/ASI in maintaining AFJROTC property
Maintaining accurate inventory records of all AFJROTC uniforms and property
Responsible for the Cadet Guide
Group Superintendent
C/CMSgt Garcia
Mentors and train the enlisted force
Manages WINGS entry for corps-wide events, promotions & awards
Maintain discipline as well as customs and courtesies at meetings and cadet assemblies.
Works with Command Staff on any projects & assignments
Oversees continuity of all action officers
Primary speaker at AFJROTC functions and events, planning and organizing how to make existing programs
Executive Officer
C/Captain Arulpragasam
Establishes the battle rhythm (posts meeting date/times) for the corps staff meetings and keeps track of discussions/do outs
Maintaining the group organizational chart and unit manning document (UMD)
Posting key staff meeting dates and times.
Executes the awards banquet
2024-2025 Goals
Unit goals establish our unit’s pursuit of both a better program and community through impactful ideas created by our cadets.
Cadet Impact Goals
Unit will create (establish) two new LDRs to ensure inclusiveness and participation by all cadets.
Unit will plan a minimum of 4 CIA trips throughout the year to support Aerospace Science and Leadership Education classes to create enhanced learning experiences.
Unit will organize and have a Military Ball for the first time in 2 years or join in with Marietta High School for a joint military ball to increase esprit de corps and morale.
School Impact Goals
Unit will host at least two informational briefings with our feeder middle schools to promote our program and increase rising 9 graders interest in AFJROTC.
Unit will support 5 or more Wheeler High School events per semester to raise awareness of the program throughout the school.
Community Impact Goals
Unit will participate in The Empty Stocking Fund (ESF) program along with Kroger to raise funds in support of Santa's Village Holiday Gift Distribution Program to ensure the spirit of the season is reached to metro Atlanta's neediest families.
Unit will donate 1500lbs of food items to help support our very own Wheeler High School Food bank, ensuring our homeless families have a variety of food choices.