Who makes up our staff

Our Staff is made up of cadets ranging from Airman to the high rank of Colonel. They are strong and dependable members of our Cadet Corps and many of them are also in our award winning Drill Team and Color Guard. Everything you need to learn for your staff job is taught to you with on-the-job training, so we welcome all who can accept the challenge. It is a tough but very rewarding course to do.

What we do

Our staff has the job of running the Corps as a cadet run group. This means from Freshman to Seniors they lead and make the decisions for the group. Our instructors simply teach us what we need to know and help us up when we fall but after that it is our staff that run everything, this even includes the class the cadets are in.

Meet the team


The rank of the Cadet Operation Squadron Commander is Cadet Major (Maj.) This cadet is responsible for the planning, organization, and execution of all squadron activities such as formations, parades, honor guards, etc.

Corps Commander Declan Hale

The rank of the Corp Commander is Cadet Colonel (CC)/(Col) .  The Commander is responsible for command and control of the Cadet Corps through the members of the cadet staff and the subordinate commanders.



The rank of the Cadet Mission Support Squadron Commander is Cadet Major (Maj.) This cadet is entrusted with the supervision of personnel, information management, public affairs, logistical duties, pt, recruiting, as well as controlling all other Mission Support activities.

2024-2025 Goals

Coming soon.

Deputy Corps Commander Dos Santos

The rank of the Vice Commander is Cadet Lieutenant Colonel (VC)/ (Lt. Col) leads task to facilitate the Corps through the eyes of the Commander, leads progressive new ideas to hold integrity for the future years of the corps, is the Inspector General for the Corps, thus holds duties to best fit the Unit to be in regulations.